Home :: Word Art :: #2020 August - HoliDates by Connie Prince

#2020 August - HoliDates by Connie Prince

#2020 August - HoliDates by Connie Prince
CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince CT Layout using #2020 August by Connie Prince

#2020 August - HoliDates by Connie Prince. Includes date label for each day in August, 1 August word, 1 Back To School word, 1 Bright word, 1 Dog Days of Summer word, 1 Favorite Things label, 1 Friendship Day label, 1 Stay cool label. Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_2020AugHD
Market price: $2.99
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