Home :: Kits :: A Spoonful of Sugar KIT by Heather Z Scraps

A Spoonful of Sugar KIT by Heather Z Scraps

A Spoonful of Sugar KIT by Heather Z Scraps

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…" is the life advice so many of us grew up with. Whether we were introduced to Mary Poppins through the books, the classic movie, or the new revival, everyone has a soft spot in their hearts for the most magical of nannies. A Spoonful of Sugar brings her magic and whimsy to your scrapbook layouts. The whimsical patterned papers feel a little bit old-fashioned and a little bit modern, the gently creased solids feel like pages of a beloved book, and the adorable elements truly bring the story to life. You'll find Mary Poppins with magical umbrella and bag, Bert dressed both for a "jolly holiday" and as a chimney sweep, Jane & Michael Banks ready to fly a kite, dancing penguins, the London skyline, spoons full of sugar, a bottle of medicine, and thematic word art featuring all your favorite songs. You might just find yourself singing while you scrap. Whether you're scrapping story time, movie night, or a trip to meet Mary at the most wonderful place on Earth, you can sprinkle a little extra magic in your scrapbook with A Spoonful of Sugar.


16 whimsical patterned papers, 8 gently-creased solid papers, 9 full doodled alphas (uppercase, lowercase, numbers & punctuation), 2 arrows, 1 bag, 2 banners, 2 borders, 2 bows, 1 boy (Michael), 1 bracket, 1 cameo, 1 charm, 1 chimney, 2 clips, 1 doily, 2 doodles, 1 flag, 8 flowers, 2 frames, 1 girl (Jane), 1 hat, 2 leaves, 3 men (2 chimney sweeps & 1 Jolly Holiday Bert), 2 Mary Poppins, 1 medicine, 2 penguins, 4 ribbons, 2 ricrac, 1 scatter, 1 skyline, 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 staple, 2 stitching elements, 5 strings, 2 swirls, 1 tape, 2 umbrellas, 2 word art, 12 wood bits (song titles)
SKU HZ_spoonfulofsugar_kit
Our price: $7.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 945.12MB
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