Home :: Kits :: A Thousand Wishes

A Thousand Wishes

A Thousand Wishes

Remember as a child blowing the seeds off a dandelion.In UK we called them clocks as the number of times it took to blow all the seeds off was supposed to be the time, or make a wish! Fun times, this beautiful kit is crafted in greens and yellows to represent those dandelions and "clocks" of a childhood game and tho it is a weed it is still a fun flower.
This kit contains
67 Elements
12 Flairs
12 Patterned Papers
8 Watercolor Papers
12 Dandelion Papers

All Papers are 12 x 12 and 300dpi

Shadows on elements are for display only
SKU SKU110445
Market price: $10.00
Our price: $10.00 $5.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 228.01MB
Download Time
16 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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