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Autumn on the farm - elements

Autumn on the farm - elements
Autumn on the farm - elements by HeartMade Scrapbook Autumn on the farm - bundle by HeartMade Scrapbook

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Harvest festival in the autumn!

Full size, the elements are in. png, 300 dpi. 

Elements pack contains 128 elements including: acorn, animal: cat, cock, cow, dog, goat, goose, hen, horse, pig, sheep, banners, bows, butterfly, buttons, clouds, corn, cup, farmhouse, feathers, fence, flowers, foliage, frame, fruit: apple, pear, hay cork, honey, milk label, mushroom, paints,  pitch fork, punpkin pie, pumpkins, rack, scare crow, scatter, seeds, shovel, strings, tapes, titles: autumn, farm, fresh, farm to table, funny animals, good morning, natural farming, organic food; tracks chicken, horse, pig, tractor, trailer, trees, van, veggie: eggplant, radish, water tank, windmill, wood.

SKU HMS028_elements
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 195.96MB
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