Home :: Embellishments :: Backyard Party Stamps by Karen Schulz

Backyard Party Stamps by Karen Schulz

Backyard Party Stamps by Karen Schulz

After you've had, or attended, a fun party, use the Backyard Party Blendables to add additional interest to your scrapbook page.  Blendables add dimension with a bit of grunge to your pages and projects. Use as-is or experiment with Blend Modes to create different looks.


5 blendable graphics

Information about this product:

300 dpi; PNG format; resized for preview purposes

Terms of Use:

This product is Personal Use and Scrap for Hire friendly.

Best value:

This product is provided separately for your convenience; but is also included in the Backyard Party Collection, which is your best value.

SKU sd-bp-stmps1
Our price: $4.47
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 28.33MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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