Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Bake It Out - Bundle by Lisa Rosa Designs

Bake It Out - Bundle by Lisa Rosa Designs

Bake It Out - Bundle by Lisa Rosa Designs

Is whiping a big bowl of batter you favorite way of getting all the stress out? Or maybe kneading and baking some homemade bread, like me... Anyway, Bake It Out is a fun collection about the bakers!

This bundle pack contains:

- the page kit, with 25 papers and 70 elements;

- the elements too pack, with 40 elements;

- the alpha pack, with 3 alpha sets.
Market price: $13.46
Our price: $9.42
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 344.52MB
Download Time
25 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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