Home :: Alphas :: Be Patriotic Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

Be Patriotic Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

Be Patriotic Alpha by Scraps N Pieces

Be Patriotic pays tribute to the country that we love: the United States of America. Bring some American spirit to your layout when you scrap with Be Patriotic.


This is our July Buffet product - pick up the bundled kit, or purchase the alpha, elements, pattern papers, or cardstocks separately. There is also a coordinating digital and print and cut planner as well as Template Pack 114 all sold separately.


Alpha Pack includes

  • alpha - uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
SKU SNP_BePatrioticka
Our price: $1.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 85.30MB
Download Time
6 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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