Home :: Kits :: Believe In You [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Believe In You [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Believe In You [Kit] by Cindy Ritter
LO by Cindy LO by Lou LO by Ruth LO by Michal LO by Debbie LO by Debbie LO by Debbie LO by Debbie LO by Kelly

The first step to achieving anything is believing you can! There may be struggles and doubt along the way, it might be necessary to ask for help, but don't let those things stop you! Believe in yourself and never give up. You've got this! Includes: 67 Unique Elements 20 Patterned Papers 15 Solid Papers All at 300dpi. PU/S4H Friendly Sample layouts may include items from the entire collection.

SKU rittc_believeinyou_kit
Market price: $7.99
Our price: $2.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 234.86MB
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17 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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