Home :: Kits :: Binge Watching by BoomersGirl Designs

Binge Watching by BoomersGirl Designs

Binge Watching by BoomersGirl Designs
Elements Papers Alphabets Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout Sample Layout

What’s it for you? Baking shows? Reality TV? Medical dramas? What show could you sit and do the couch-potato for hours watching? You’re going to want to grab the chips, the remote and a tall, cool soda and dig into this awesome kit! You’ll find everything you need for a long binge inside this digital package. A couch, easily customizable televisions, a great variety of snacks and drinks and adorable characters. You’ll still find the usual buttons, bow, strings and tapes with the beautiful patterned and solid papers in red, green and gold and two alphas to complete the collection.

This huge kit contains 34 beautifully textured papers, 105 fun elements and two full alphabets. All alphabets contain individual uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and some punctuation as well as full sheets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.

Elements include:
1 arrows
1 banner
1 bottle of beer
1 can of beer
1 bow
2 boys
5 flairs
6 buttons
1 clipping mask (for your favorite photos / papers)
4 curling ribbons
1 DVD player
7 assorted flowers
1 filmstrip frame
2 girls
1 graffiti
2 hearts
1 kids on sofa
11 labels
1 lamp
7 leaves / stems
1 man in recliner
1 netting
2 page titles
1 pizza box
1 slice of pizza
1 popcorn seeds
1 bowl of popcorn
1 bag of potato chips
6 quote cards
4 quote stickers
4 quote strips
1 remote control
1 ribbon
1 ricrac
1 scalloped border
1 scatter
2 cans of soda
1 slipper
1 speech bubble
1 sprig
1 staple
2 stars
2 layered stitches
3 strings
1 tag
2 pieces of tape
1 VHS tape
2 televisions
Note: Both televisions include clipping masks for easy customization with your own photos - old fashioned TV also includes separate glass overlay. These pieces are not included in total element count.

SKU SKU48793
Our price: $5.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 273.34MB
Download Time
20 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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