Home :: Kits :: Buzzbee Scraps: Live Love Bark Kit

Buzzbee Scraps: Live Love Bark Kit

Buzzbee Scraps: Live Love Bark Kit
Sean demma-b13 Tanja Carina Yvonne Ginette Jen Zanthia Zippyoh Sylvia Cathy Anke

I am a dog lover and rescue dog owner. So it was only a matter of time before I brought you a dog themed kit lol. So here is a fun kit with fur effect dog sticker elements! Scrap your furry family member with bright, happy colours. Dogs are such a huge, important part of our lives. Celebrate them in your scrapping with this kit.

Kit includes;
76 x elements - including outlined, stamps of each dog sticker
8 x word arts in plain and textured, furry sticker effect
8 x word strips , including blanks in all colours
15 x patterned papers
10 x solid papers
SKU SKU103644
Our price: $4.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 170.19MB
Download Time
12 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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