Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Elements - Realistic :: CU Halloween RIBBONS by Heather Z Scraps

CU Halloween RIBBONS by Heather Z Scraps

CU Halloween RIBBONS by Heather Z Scraps

Trick or Treat!! This bundle is perfect for the designer and/or artist who is looking to add unique elements and papers to their next project or layout.

Each pattern has been carefully created and quality checked by a third party to ensure it is free of an jaggies and missing pixels. These pattern paper templates are saved at 12x12 and 300 dpi.

Tape pieces and ribbons have been carefully scanned in and extracted by myself. They have been third party quality checked to ensure they are free of missing pixels, jaggies and aren't blurry throughout. They are high quality PNGs saved at 300 dpi.

Included are:

six (6) Halloween Ribbons
SKU HZ_CUhalloween_ribbons
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 9.25MB
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Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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