Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: PS/PSE Actions & Styles :: Camp Walden Glitter Styles and Sheets by Aimee Harrison

Camp Walden Glitter Styles and Sheets by Aimee Harrison

Camp Walden Glitter Styles and Sheets by Aimee Harrison

Camp Walden is dedicated to all the kids that go to summer camps but is also perfect for camping with the family!

My Camp Walden Glitter Styles and Sheets include:
14 12x12 glitter sheets, 1 .pat file, 1 .asl file and 2 .xml files for Adobe Elements users.

These Glitter Styles and Sheets can be used for CU4U/CU/PU/S4H/S4O

Copyright 2022 Aimee Harrison

NOTE: Layouts shown may contain items not included in the pack.

SKU aimeeh_campwalden_gs
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 73.96MB
Download Time
5 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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