Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Chill In The Air Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

Chill In The Air Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

Chill In The Air Collection by Key Lime Digi Design

Vibrant and rich in color and texture. This kit reminds me of falling into a pile of crunchy leaves and that long awaited cool down after a long summer. This collection contains:
10 patterned papers, 8 painted papers, 14 solid papers, 10 plaid papers, 54 elements, including 7 word banners (plus blanks), a branchy wreath, feathers, a bejeweled owl, 4 crocheted leaves, rosettes, 6 leaf elements, 8 flowers, berries, money plant, gourd, tag, tassel, ribbons and much more!
SKU SKU87023
Our price: $9.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 300.03MB
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22 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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