Home :: Kits :: Christmas Aprons Digital Scrapbooking Kit by J. Conlon and Sons

Christmas Aprons Digital Scrapbooking Kit by J. Conlon and Sons

Christmas Aprons Digital Scrapbooking Kit by J. Conlon and Sons

Grab your apron, let's get holiday baking! When I was designing this kit I was looking for "old-timey, making cookies with Grandma" but a touch modern. It's vintage-y new...is that a thing? There are a total of 38 digital embellishments and 25 digital papers included in the kit.  All PNGs and/or JPGs are 300 dpi. This is a downloadable, digital product. No items will be shipped to you. For personal use only. Please read the terms of use document in the download file.

SKU SKU98940
Our price: $7.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 58.32MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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