Home :: Kits :: Christmas Pickle by The Scrappy Kat

Christmas Pickle by The Scrappy Kat

Christmas Pickle by The Scrappy Kat

This kit from The Scrappy Kat is perfect to celebrate one of the best Christmas ornaments ever: the Christmas Pickle! With a fun red, green, and white theme this kit has tons of pick elements: jars of pickles, Christmas pickles, Christmas trees of pickles, and more! You also get a variety of flowers, fasteners, frames, bows, wire, swirl elements, and so much more! With 24 patterned papers and 9 cardstock papers, this is a fun kit to celebrate Christmas and your love of pickles. Dill or sweet, don't get yourself into a pickle and miss this kit.
SKU SKU109252
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 568.06MB
Download Time
42 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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