Home :: Kits :: Copper Spice-1 by Let Me Scrapbook

Copper Spice-1 by Let Me Scrapbook

Copper Spice-1 by Let Me Scrapbook

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. My “Copper Spice” collection celebrates the beauty of fall!

This digital scrapbook product has 17 papers and 40 elements, including: beads, bingo card, bow, 2 flairs, 6 flowers, 3 foliage, fox, 3 frames, gnome, journal card, owl, pinecone, prong, 2 pumpkins, 2 ribbons, sign, stitches, string, tag, wheat, wheel, wire, wood slice, and 5 word art. Note: Layouts may contain items from other products.
SKU lms- CopperSpice1-Kit
Our price: $5.98
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 82.36MB
Download Time
6 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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