Home :: Embellishments :: Crazy Cat Lady [Journal Cards] by Cindy Ritter

Crazy Cat Lady [Journal Cards] by Cindy Ritter

Crazy Cat Lady [Journal Cards] by Cindy Ritter

The road to my heart is paved with paw prints and they belong to little angels with whiskers and catitude! Do you treat your cats like royalty and love them more than you love most people? Do you have more photos of your kitties than any one person should have? Does that little fur ball purring in your arms melt all your stress away? Join the club! This special collection is just for us crazy cat ladies!

12 Journal Cards

Sample layouts may contain items from the entire collection.
Created and saved at 300 dpi for best quality.

*Please check your stash! This product was included in my Crazy Cat Lady DSD 2022 Grab Bag.

SKU rittc_crazycatlady_jc
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 13.07MB
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