Home :: Collabs And Duos :: Crazy Dog Lady Collab Bunde by The Scrappy Kat

Crazy Dog Lady Collab Bunde by The Scrappy Kat

Crazy Dog Lady Collab Bunde by The Scrappy Kat

Do you love dogs, or are you a crazy dog lady? Where you fall on that line is up to you, but either way you need this kit! With tons of fun elements including crazy dog ladies, flowers, butterflies, scatters, ribbons, buttons, swirls, brads, thread, stars, ribbons, rosettes, arrows, frames, paint elements, doilies, paw prints, and lot of fun dog elements, this kit is packed full of ways to celebrate your furry friends. You'll also find 26 patterned papers, some with wrinkles, and 8 lightly-textured cardstocks.

The bundle includes:
6 art coins with a variety of images from flowers to cartoon dogs and people
6 blended papers
6 crumpled edge elements
6 page edges
8 flairs with  metal edges
12 ombre papers that include 3 diagonal gradients and 9 horizontal gradients
5 different styles of sheet alphas
6 torn paper bits
9 word art elements
SKU SKU107241
Our price: $16.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 972.60MB
Download Time
1 hour 12 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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