Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Crush BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Crush BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Crush BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor
Kim Kim Marlyn Marlyn Rachelle Kit Preview papers elements zoom view page borders clusters glitters stacks

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The Kit - 50 papers
105 elements including: 12 bows, 4 word arts, 16 flairs, 34 flowers, 8 frames, 9 heart clusters, 6 hearts, 2 leaves, 4 potion bottles, 3 love bandit boys, 3 love bandit girls and 4 stitched ribbons.
The Cluster Pack - 5 clusters
The Page Borders - 4 page borders
The Glitter Papers - 9 glitter papers
The Stacks - 4 stacks
SKU SKU69174
Market price: $26.45
Our price: $15.87
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 513.32MB
Download Time
38 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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