Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Diggin' For Dinosaurs CU2 - Scraps N Pieces

Diggin' For Dinosaurs CU2 - Scraps N Pieces

Diggin' For Dinosaurs CU2 - Scraps N Pieces

So many dinosaur kits are bright colors and bold lines, perfect for when your 4 year old is obsessed with a species you can't even pronounce. But sometimes, you don't want it to look like your child colored in your scrapbook. If you're looking for a CU pack that's more in line with older timeless kits, you'll love Diggin for Dinosaurs. 
CU pack contains layered templates in TIF format for 8 tools
Our price: $6.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 479.33KB
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