Home :: Templates :: Echoes Of The Past - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince

Echoes Of The Past - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince

Echoes Of The Past - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok) by Connie Prince

Echoes Of The Past - 12x12 Templates (CU Ok). Includes 4 12x12 templates, saved as layered PSD & TIF files as well as individual PNG files. Also, includes layered .page files for use with SBC+3, SBC 4 & Panstoria Artisan software. Scrap for hire / others ok. Commercial Use Ok, NO credit required.

Unleash your creativity with my Echoes of the Past Scrapbook collection! This beautifully curated collection features an array of stunning vintage elements and papers in vibrant shades of pink, brown, and orange, making it the perfect backdrop for your cherished heritage photos.

Crafted with care, each paper and element showcases intricate designs and textures that evoke a sense of nostalgia, allowing you to tell your family’s story in style. Whether you're creating a family album, commemorating special moments, or simply indulging your artistic side, this kit offers endless possibilities for customization.
SKU cap_echoesofthepastTemps
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $3.99 $2.00 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 30.98MB
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