Home :: Kits :: Embroidery by The Scrappy Kat

Embroidery by The Scrappy Kat

Embroidery by The Scrappy Kat

Embroidery is perpetually popular, and this kit from The Scrappy Kat includes elements and papers to help celebrate embroidery projects that are modern or heirloom. Lots of stitches elements, embroidery hoops, thimbles, needles, floss and thread, scissors, bobbins, tape measure ribbon, frames, needle threaders, flowers, leaves, pinwheels, and more - if you embroider or want to make a page about hand crafts this is the kti for you!
You'll also get 20n fun and bright patterned papers and 9 cardstock papers.
SKU SKU109847
Our price: $8.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 236.35MB
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17 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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