Home :: Embellishments :: Everyday Moments - 3x4 Cards

Everyday Moments - 3x4 Cards

Everyday Moments - 3x4 Cards

Document your Everyday Memories with this new collection from Cathy K Designs and Dagi's Temp-tations! Everyday Moments - 3x4 Cards includes 20 3x4 pocket cards in a mix of portrait and landscape orientation. These are perfect for your pocket scrapping layouts, or to use as journal cards, word art, and/or filler cards in your traditional layouts. Scrap for Hire/Scrap for Others (S4H/S4O) friendly

SKU CK-DT-EM-3x4Cards
Our price: $3.25
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 27.53MB
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2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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