Home :: Faded Beauty Glitters by Aimee Harrison

Faded Beauty Glitters by Aimee Harrison

Faded Beauty Glitters by Aimee Harrison

Faded Beauty has a beautiful vintage springy feeling and is perfect for many different layout styles and photos!

My Faded Beauty Seamless Glitters include:
14 separate .png files, 1 .pat file, 1 .asl file and 2 .xml files for Adobe Elements users.

These seamless Glitters can be used for CU4U/CU/PU/S2H/S4O

Copyright 2020 Aimee Harrison

SKU aimeeh_fadedbeauty_gs
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 33.46MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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