Home :: Embellishments :: Fall, Family, & Football Elements

Fall, Family, & Football Elements

Fall, Family, & Football Elements

Fall is in full swing and that means that Families will be getting together to enjoy some food, give thanks, and watch some football! Fall, Family, & Football is a fun kit created to help you scrap your Autumn Memories!

This Product Contains 60 Elements.
*This Product is Part of Scrappin Serenity's "Fall, Family, Football" Collection.
Elements Included Are:
Acorn, Apple, Banner, Barrel, Berry Branch, 2 Bows, 3 Buttons, Corn, Cornucopia, Field Goal, 5 Flowers, Football, 3 Frames, Grunge, Hat, Helmet, 2 Leaves, Leaf Pile, Mushroom, Owl, Pear, 2 Pies, Pie Slice, 2 Pumpkins, 5 Ribbons, 2 Ric Racs, Scarecrow, Staple, Stitches, 2 Strings, 2 Tags, Tree, Turkey Cooked, Turkey, Wheat, 5 Word Bits
SKU CDSS_FallFamilyFBallElements
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 47.04MB
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3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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