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Fast Food Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

Fast Food Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

The “Fast Food” bundle has all you need to scrap your favorite fast food restaurant fun. It contains the full kit with its 90 elements (including: ketchup and mustard packets, happy meal box, hot dog, hamburger, French fries, soda, ice cream, take-out, chicken, taco, frames, flowers and more!), 8 cardstocks and 20 patterned papers. It also includes 8 blended papers, 6 page borders, 12 flairs, 16 washi tapes and 4 quick pages.
SKU SKU85792
Our price: $12.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 530.81MB
Download Time
39 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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