Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Feel The Ocean Breeze: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Feel The Ocean Breeze: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Feel The Ocean Breeze: The Collection by LDragDesigns

Feel The Ocean Breeze and enjoy summer and the serenity the sea gives to the people.

Feel the breaze and let your soul be free and happy!

This Collection is packed with beautiful sea elements and patterms.

This product contains

Feel The Ocean Breeze: the kit

Feel The Ocean Breeze: Borders

Feel The Ocean Breeze:  Journal Cards

Feel The Ocean Breeze:  Alphas

Feel The Ocean Breeze:  Worn Out Papers

Feel The Ocean Breeze:  Embossed Papers

Feel The Ocean Breeze: Glitterstyles

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SKU ldrag_ftob_bundle
Our price: $25.93
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 555.88MB
Download Time
41 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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