Home :: Templates :: Focus Group 1-3 Masked Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 1-3 Masked Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 1-3 Masked Template Bundle by Miss Fish

Focus Group 1-3 Masked Template Bundle by Miss Fish

12, 12x12 Templates with your choice of either a large blended photomask or a large traditional photo spot, both are included on the template files. Pair this large photo with smaller accent photos and room for journaling to help you create a beautiful page for your memories. The Focus Group Series work together to help you create your own photobook or photo album.

*This bundle includes:
Focus Group 1 Templates, Focus Group 2 Templates and Focus Group 3 Templates

Templates come in PSD TIFF PAGE and individual PNG files. Shadows are for preview purposes only.

S4H, S4O, S4CT only, no other commercial use is allowed.

Release 1/14/21

SKU MFish_FocGrp1-3BUN
Market price: $12.75
Our price: $10.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 771.79MB
Download Time
57 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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