Home :: Kits-Mini :: Follow Your Dreams Mini Kit 02 by Moore Blessings Digital Design

Follow Your Dreams Mini Kit 02 by Moore Blessings Digital Design

Follow Your Dreams Mini Kit 02 by Moore Blessings Digital Design
LO by Anja LO by Celine LO by Denise LO by Linda P LO by Lori Moore LO by Tina LO by Windswept

Follow Your Dreams by Moore Blessings Digital Design has a beautiful, calming palette of deep blues and purples.  The kit inspires you to dream up your dreams and follow them.

Follow Your Dreams Mini Kit 02 by Moore Blessings Digital Design has an element pack with 25 elements including: arrow, bird, border, 2 bows, brad, button, clip, doily, 5 flowers, frame, leaf, pin, 2 Ribbons, Scatter, Stitch, Swirl, 2 Tags, and a torn piece; and 5 pattern papers.

Each paper and element is designed at 300 dpi for highest print quality. This product is available for personal use, scrap for hire, and scrap for others.

Please note that while we strive to offer a true representation of each product, layouts shown may contain items not included in the pack.

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SKU MBDD_FoYoDr_Mini02
Our price: $4.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 59.26MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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