Home :: Kits :: Forever Yours by LDragDesigns

Forever Yours by LDragDesigns

Forever Yours by LDragDesigns

The perfect Collection for all those who love LOVE in all its forms! This collection  is ALL about the ones you LOVE! Just being with your favourite person - and nothing else!

Traditional colors and patterns combined with elements like balloons, hearts, flowers,word art, and more to help you create the perfect projects. A lovely way to say “Be Mine Forever”

This product contains

14 patterned and 14 solid papers

and 70 elements

This product coordinates with

Forever Yours: Journal Cards

Forever Yours: Cluster Frames

Forever Yours: Alphas

Forever Yours: Worn Out Papers

Forever Yours: Embossed Papers

Forever Yours: Glitterstyles

But if you want to have them all and SAVE even more

you can have The Collection

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SKU ldrag_fy
Our price: $7.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 168.02MB
Download Time
12 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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