Home :: Word Art :: Freedom Fest Wordbits by Tami Miller and Karen Schulz

Freedom Fest Wordbits by Tami Miller and Karen Schulz

Freedom Fest Wordbits by Tami Miller and Karen Schulz

Introducing Freedom Fest, the ultimate Collection that captures the essence of festive celebrations with a delightful touch of whimsy. Packed with adorable watercolor elements, vibrant fireworks, delectable desserts, and charming stars, this kit is designed to make your memories shine. With a color palette that combines the patriotic spirit of red, white, and blue with pops of cheerful yellow, Freedom Fest exudes a sense of joy and excitement. Whether you're documenting Fourth of July festivities, Memorial Day gatherings, or any other patriotic occasion, this kit will add a burst of color and flair to your digital scrapbook pages. This pack includes the Wordbits only.

SKU tmd_ks_freedomfest_wb
Market price: $3.99
Our price: $1.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 7.17MB
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