Home :: CU- Designer Resources :: Brushes & Shapes :: Garden Brushes 03 by Karen Schulz

Garden Brushes 03 by Karen Schulz

Garden Brushes 03 by Karen Schulz

Garden Brushes 03 consists of extremely detailed illustrations of vintage flowers and foliage. These are perfect to blend into papers to add additional interest, stamp and experiment with blend modes, recolor, apply a Photoshop style, or use in the creation of graffiti or blendables.

(10) PNG files, 300 dpi,
(1) .abr file

Terms of Use:
Commercial Use, Personal Use, Scrap for Hire friendly.


SKU sd-garden-brushes-03
Our price: $6.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 13.55MB
Download Time
Less than 1 minute @ 1.8mbs
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