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Get Outdoors - Elements

Get Outdoors - Elements

It's such a lovely time of the year to get out of the house and explore the great outdoors!! Get Outdoors is the perfect collection to scrap your outdoor memories, from Camping, Hiking, and Fishing!

This Product has 60 Elements.
Elements Included Are: Backpack, Bait, 2 Bobbers, Boots, 3 Buttons Camper, Camping Sign, Compass, Campfire, 4 Fish, Flashlight, 5 Flowers, 3 Frames, Hiking Sign, 2 Hooks, 2 Leaves, 2 Lures, Marshmellow Stick, Mountains, Net, Pole, 5 Ribbons, 2 Ric Racs, Sleeping Bag, Staples, Stitches, 2 Strings, 2 Tags, Tent, Trail Sign, Tree, Walking Stick, Wood Stump, 5 Word Bits
*This Product is part of Scrappin Serenity's "Get Outdoors" Collection."
SKU CDSS_GetOutdoorsElements
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 56.66MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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