Home :: Kits :: Groovy Grandpa MEGA Collab Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

Groovy Grandpa MEGA Collab Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

Groovy Grandpa MEGA Collab Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

You will love scrapping your grandpa pics with this huge “Groovy Grandpa” collab. It contains the full kit with its 148 elements (including: antique buttons, playing cards, coins, domino, hearts, butterfly, stars, bowling ball, grandpa figures, pocket watch, feathers, flowers, globe, key, scatters, tags, bowling pins, radio, camera, television, clock, ribbons, and so much more!), 10 cardstocks and 24 patterned papers. It also contains 12 painted papers, 12 painted wood papers, 6 graffiti elements, 6 journal cards and 9 word art pieces.
SKU SKU105018
Our price: $16.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 766.16MB
Download Time
56 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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