Home :: Embellishments :: Hedge Hugs FLAIRS by Heather Z Scraps

Hedge Hugs FLAIRS by Heather Z Scraps

Hedge Hugs FLAIRS by Heather Z Scraps

Hedge Hugs highlights the cute, cuddly, and sometimes prickly people—and critters—that we love. This warm, earthy, pastel-hued kit is perfect for your springtime scrapping, especially if you have new arrivals. As always, the gently patterned papers make the perfect backdrop for your photos. But it's the elements in this kit that will really give you the warm fuzzies. Like its name suggests, Hedge Hugs is packed full of snuggly-looking hedgehogs! This kit also contains soft springtime elements like flowers, leaves, and water cans for welcoming in this fresh new season. Document your favorite things this spring with Hedge Hugs.

This pack includes:

4 circle flairs, 4 square flairs, 4 bottlecap flairs
SKU HZ_HH_flairs
Our price: $2.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 12.27MB
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