Home :: Templates :: One Page Templates :: Imperial Garden: Templates Vol. 2 by LDragDesigns

Imperial Garden: Templates Vol. 2 by LDragDesigns

Imperial Garden: Templates Vol. 2 by LDragDesigns

Feel the eastern oriental sensation like when you enter a chinese park or

visit these amazing countries with this superb and full collection!

This product contains

2 oriental/chinese themed templates, availaboe in tiff, psd, pngs and page!

This product coordinates with

Imperial Garden:The Kit

Imperial Garden: Templates Vol. 1

Imperial Garden: Journal cards

Imperial Garden: Embossed Papers

Imperial Garden: Glitter Styles

but if you want to have them all and SAVE 40%

you can have The Collection

Don't forget to grab the freebie add on on my blog!

SKU ldrag_ig_tempsvol2
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 101.21MB
Download Time
7 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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