Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Ireland Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

Ireland Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

Ireland Bundle by The Scrappy Kat

You will find all you need to scrap your Irish excursions with this “Ireland” bundle. It contains 100 elements (including: a castle, lighthouse, clovers, harp, cross, horseshoe, soccer ball, hat, pot of gold, horse, whiskey bottle, pipe, coffee, Iris pub sign, windmill, flair, accordion, flames, flowers, stitches, ribbons and more), 14 cardstocks, 24 patterned papers, 6 stitched papers, 6 torn papers, 8 painted wood papers, 8 blended papers, 6 journal cards, and 16 strings.
SKU SKU90915
Our price: $14.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 652.44MB
Download Time
48 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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