Home :: Embellishments :: It's Dark Inside - Whimsies by Lisa Rosa Designs

It's Dark Inside - Whimsies by Lisa Rosa Designs

It's Dark Inside - Whimsies by Lisa Rosa Designs

"You cannot defeat darkness by running from it, nor can you conquer your inner demons by hiding them from the world. In order to defeat the darkness, you must bring it into the light."
- Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

It's easy to create beautiful pages about the good times and achievements in our lives, but what about the sad or tough times. Unfortunately bad days will happen. We all experience times of fear, of being overwhelmed, or of feeling completely numb. And these times are as much a part of us as the happy times. Sometimes making layouts about our pain and tears can be healing and a way to process these moments and events. "It's Dark Inside" will help you explore these darker moments, and maybe add a little brightness inside.

This whimsies pack contains 60 elements including 4 arrow, 2 banner pieces, 2 banners, dark cloud, doodled border, 4 doodled flowers, 2 doodled leaves, 6 doodled lines, 10 doodles, 18 paint splatters, 2 painted flowers, scribble, 3 stamped leaves, tag, 3 trim
SKU LRD-DarkInside-WP
Our price: $3.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 43.84MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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