Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Just for Today - Collection

Just for Today - Collection

Just for Today - Collection
Full Collection PLUS 2 Alphas Full Page Kit Patterned Papers (included in kit/collection OR sold separately Graffiti Art Stamps Solid Papers inspiration by Alexis Inspiration by Jill Inspiration by Tanya Inspiration by Caro Inspiration by Barbara Inspiration by Ella Inspiration by Deanna Inspiration by Donna Inspiration by Jenni Inspiration by Janet

”Just one small positive thought in the morning, can change your whole day.” ~Dalai Lama
This collection is meant to be bright, happy and reflective. Use it to document your personal journey, feminine, wedding, bridal/baby showers, cards, gardening, summer and so much more.
Please take a moment to view my previews and creative team layouts to see the versatility/details of my collections.
ALWAYS SAVE $$ with the purchase of all my collections!
71 - Unique Elements
16 - Unique Patterned Papers
10 - Graffiti Art Stamps
12 - Solid Papers
2 - Full Alphas (uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
2 arrows, 1 babies breath, 1 bird, 1 bookplate, 3 unique bows, 1 branch, 1 butterfly, 5 unique buttons, 1 clock, 2 floral stickers (1 chipboard,) 4 unique large flowers, 8 unique small flowers (2 repeated,) 6 unique foliage/leaves, 1 vine, 3 unique frames, 2 graffiti, 1 insect, 1 label, 1 lace doily, 1 lace trim, 1 lemonade jar, 1 lemon branch, 1 metal daisy flower, 3 unique ribbons, 4 unique flat ribbons, 2 organza ribbons, 1 scissor, 4 word strips/snippets (1 blank,) 1 stacked/filled envelope, 1 staple, 1 stitch, 1 tag, 4 word titles, 2 full alphas
My kits are designed specifically to work together so you can use them for many years to come. All products include unique items, and occasionally (but rarely) contain repeated elements/papers. Every element unique, so that you have a lot of variety.
Drop shadows for illustration only. This product has been saved at 300 dpi to ensure high quality printing.
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SKU ads-justfortoday-collection
Market price: $15.00
Our price: $3.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
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