Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Laugh Once Daily BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Laugh Once Daily BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor

Laugh Once Daily BUNDLE from Designs by Lisa Minor
Robin Denise Evelyn Template by the Nifty Pixel Joanne Joy Marlyn Steph Celine Kit Preview word art preview page borders glitters page pack Lisa (Me) Lisa (Me)

The Kit - 53 papers
166 elements, including: 3 borders, 10 bows, 6 brackets, 6 brads, 6 butterflies, 9 flower charms, chrome brad, 9 curly arrows, 4 dot swirls, 20 flairs, 26 flowers, 7 frames, 8 hearts, 6 leaves, 3 splatters, 6 spriggles, 6 stars, 6 swirls, 18 tags and 6 triangles.
The Word Art Clusters
The Page Borders
The Glitter Papers
The Page Pack
SKU SKU74785
Market price: $26.45
Our price: $15.87
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 534.00MB
Download Time
39 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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