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Life Chronicled: Day To Day - Kit by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled: Day To Day - Kit by Connie Prince
Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince CT Layout using Life Chronicled: Day To Day by Connie Prince

Life Chronicled: Day To Day - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes 16 pattern papers, 9 solid papers, 1 arrow, 1 bird, 2 bows, 2 butterflies, 2 buttons, 5 coasters, 1 doiley, 4 ephemera elements, 1 feather, 1 flourish, 6 flowers, 1 flower branch, 2 frames, 3 hearts, 3 inked bits, 1 key, 1 blank label, 1 Life Chronicled Day to Day label, 1 label for Monday - Sunday, 1 To Do List (with words and without), 1 pen, 2 ribbons, 1 ribbon tab, 4 rolled flowers, 1 splatter, 1 stitched diamond cluster, 1 string, 1 stylus, 1 realistic twig, 1 twig silhouette, 1 Day word, 1 Day To Day word, 1 Month word, 1 schedule word, 1 pocketwatch, 1 Week word, 1 weekend day word, 1 weekend word, 1 Year word, 1 complete alpha/ number set (includes upper & lower case letters, numbers, & common punctuation). Scrap for hire / others ok.

SKU cap_LCdaytodaykit
Market price: $6.99
Our price: $6.99 $3.50 On Sale On Sale
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 270.72MB
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20 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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