Home :: Kits-Mini :: Lime in the Coconut Mini Kit by Let Me Scrapbook

Lime in the Coconut Mini Kit by Let Me Scrapbook

Lime in the Coconut Mini Kit by Let Me Scrapbook

This cute little mini kit will bring a pop of color and freshness to your artistic creations.

This digital scrapbook product has 13 papers (not all shown) and 21 elements, including: a bow, coconuts, cupcake, drink, 4 flowers, 2 foliage, 2 frames, fruit, limes, 2 paint splats, 2 ribbons, stitches, string, and an 8” x 10” printable. NOTE: This is a former freebie; please check your stash before purchase.
SKU lms-LimeCoconut-MiniKit
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 55.39MB
Download Time
4 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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