Bulldogs are a breed of their own. If you've ever had one of these lovable dogs with their underbite, jowls, wrinkles and sweet personalities, you will never get them out of your heart. Although specifically geared toward bulldogs, this kit is also perfect for dogs of any breed. There are plenty of general dog elements as well as a large variety of everyday goodies, including flowers, strings and ribbons. Two full alphabets are included for creating word art and page titles.
This huge kit contains 32 beautifully textured papers, 85 fun elements (plus 6 characters in additional variations) and two full alphabets. Both alphabets contain individual uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and some punctuation as well as full sheets. All items were created at 300 DPI, perfect for printing.
Elements include:
2 balls
1 banner
1 bone
2 bows
1 brush
6 bulldogs
6 buttons
1 clipping mask
1 collar
4 curling ribbons
1 bowl of dog food
1 dog house
1 dog tag
1 fire hydrant
7 assorted flowers
1 frame
1 frisbee
1 graffiti
2 hearts
8 labels
7 leaves / stems
1 netting
1 paper clip
1 paw print
3 quote cards
4 quote strips
1 rawhide bone
1 ribbon
1 ricrac
1 scalloped border
1 scatter
2 shirts
1 staple
2 stars
2 layered stitches
3 strings
1 tag
2 pieces of tape
1 treat bone
My kits are for PERSONAL USE only. They are not to be resold or shared.
See my TERMS OF USE included in each zip.
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