Of all the pictures passed down from our ancestors, I treasure the wedding photos the most. My ancestors were young and in love and starting their lives together. Sometimes the attire is amazing, with yards and yards of lace and satin. Occasionally the men are more formally attired than the women and vice versa. These were not always church weddings and street clothes are in abundance as well.
My Heritage Scrapper Collection, Love's Patina, celebrates and commemorates our ancestors' special days, but it's also suitable for modern day celebrations as well.
Included in the Love's Patina Blendables by ADB Designs
4 large decorative blendables
Each product is offered individually for your convenience; however, the bundle is always your best value.
Information about this product:
300 ppi for quality printing results
Personal Use [PU, S4H, S4O]
Elements are provided in PNG format, various sizes.
Sizes are reduced for preview purposes
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