Home :: Bundled Goodies :: Masked & Merry Bundle by Let Me Scrapbook

Masked & Merry Bundle by Let Me Scrapbook

Masked & Merry Bundle by Let Me Scrapbook
BONUS with Bundle Purchase Kit 1 Kit 2 Word Art Pocket Page Templates Alpha Pack Edges Layout 1 Layout 2 Layout 3 Layout 4

This bright and festive Christmas collection was designed to remember to be “Merry” even when we had to be “Masked” as we dealt with incredible challenges and many personal hardships throughout the world. My “Masked and Merry” collection is available as full-size kits, separate paper and element packs so you can mix and match if you prefer, or bundled together for extra savings if you want it all!

This digital scrapbook bundle includes all my "Masked and Merry” products: 140 elements, 48 papers, 4 pocket page templates, 13 word art elements and 6 alpha sets (each with a snowy scene paper), 9 “messy” paper edges, PLUS a bonus freebie pack only available with this purchase. The bonus pack includes a flower, 7 Christmas tags, a Christmas tree, and a snowy scene paper.
SKU lms-MaskedMerry-Bundle
Market price: $25.92
Our price: $13.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 494.02MB
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36 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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