Home :: Kits :: Mistletoe Magic [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Mistletoe Magic [Kit] by Cindy Ritter

Mistletoe Magic [Kit] by Cindy Ritter
Layout by Cindy Layout by Kelly

Mistletoe Magic is a beautifully elegant Christmas kit with a vintage touch. It's loaded with flowers, snowflakes, mistletoe, holly, Christmas elements, paint, transfers, shabby paper bits and more! 
20 Papers
22 Shabby Solids
65 Unique Elements
All at 300dpi.
PU/S4H Friendly. 
SKU rittc_mistletoemagic
Market price: $7.99
Our price: $4.79
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 244.46MB
Download Time
18 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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