Home :: Templates :: Moody Blues - Templates - by Neia Scraps

Moody Blues - Templates - by Neia Scraps

Moody Blues - Templates - by Neia Scraps

Content: 4 12'x12' Templates (PNG, PSD, TIFF)

*This personal & Commercial use/S4H template set includes layered 12x12 templates in both .PSD, .TIFF, and .PNG files all at 300 dpi.
*Drop shadows are included for the .psd and .tif files.
*PNGs are included for each template.
*CT friendly - you may create creative team layouts using these templates.

Designs by Neia
SKU neia-moodyblues-tp
Our price: $5.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 161.19MB
Download Time
11 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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