Home :: Quick Pages and Albums :: My Dad's A Handyman Quickpages - Scraps N Pieces

My Dad's A Handyman Quickpages - Scraps N Pieces

My Dad's A Handyman Quickpages - Scraps N Pieces

Dads can build or fix anything. It's just part of the job. Some dads fix things around the house, while others make a living helping others, but every single dad deserves to be celebrated for his skills. My Dad's A Handyman is the perfect kit for scrapping stories of toys assembled, treehouses built, finishing the "honey do" lists, and so much more.  Whether the 'dad' in your story is your father, your husband, or your grown child with children of his own, you'll love My Dad's A Handyman.


Quickpage pack contains 12 pages in PNG format with spots for 42 photos

Our price: $4.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 198.54MB
Download Time
14 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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