Home :: Embellishments :: My Favourite Things: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

My Favourite Things: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

My Favourite Things: Cluster Frames by LDragDesigns

Want to scrap about your favourite things? This collection allows you to scrap about them the easiest way! It's GORGEOUS and amazingly BEAUTIFUL!!!!

This product contains

1 white paper alphas with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and some punctuation,

18 papers (11 patterns and 7 solids) & 52 ellies

This product coordinates with

My Favourite Things: the kit

My Favourite Things:Frame Clusters

My Favourite Things:Stacked Papers and

My Favourite Things: Wordtags

18 wordtags

but if you want to save 40% you can grab the Collection

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SKU ldrag_mft_clfr
Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 38.68MB
Download Time
2 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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