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National Parks Kit by The Scrappy Kat

National Parks Kit by The Scrappy Kat

Scrap your nature adventures with this massive kit, National Parks. It is packed full with 174 elements (including: acorns, backpack, picnic basket, shoe print, shoes, branches, rocks, camera, camper, canteen, compass, pot, cactus, fire, trees, canoe, mountains, jeep, kettle, lantern, marshmallows, cups, signs, suitcases, tents, stumps, flowers, tags, ribbons and more!). It also includes 42 patterned papers and 20 cardstocks.

SKU SKU96601
Our price: $7.00
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 525.15MB
Download Time
38 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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